Hello, I'm back. Sorry to have disappeared for a bit, but jet-setting from coast to coast, trying to spend as much time with long-lost friends and family, and oh yeah, trying to do some thesis preparation this summer left me a little m.i.a. But as today was my (last!) first day of school, I am ready to get back in the swing of things and show up here on my blog as well. So without further ado...
I have to post about the amazing lighting design studio I discovered over the weekend: Lindsey Adelman Studio. Maybe I'm like a gazillion years late on this discovery (as well as Missoni for Target - counting down for that one, too), but going through the studio's website over the weekend, and realizing I was saving almost every image into my inspiration folder made me realize it was not just like, it was love. This was proven further when I realized she has a DIY version with directions to download on the website as well. The Brick House made one, and I am definitely bookmarking the project for my next apartment. The interiors styling doesn't hurt either...
All images from Lindsey Adelman Studio