Hello - is anybody still there? Sorry I disappeared again. I just couldn't help myself. Between the gorgeous weather we've been having and the social life I've apparently just found, being on my computer has not been on the top of my list. So yes, I'll try to resume my photo a day project, but I'd rather let you know I've been out having a great time in DC. Sunday was spent on the sand courts by the Lincoln Memorial, followed by an impromptu dinner party at EJ's. I finally got myself to the Fish Market in my neighborhood, and I think I may be hooked (fish tacos are on tonight's menu for dinner). Monday I met a new friend and wandered the cherry blossoms around the title basin. Cursing myself for not bringing my Hasselblad (especially since the sun has not cooperated since). And tonight is the opening of Doug Aitken's SONG 1 installation at the Hirshhorn, which should be really cool. I'm hoping to be able to grab a seat for the lecture beforehand, too. Fingers crossed!
so happy to hear the spring is treating you well:) sending a huge hug to you, friend! xo